Membership website with MemberSpace
Discover how to combine MemberSpace with Appizy to create a membership website with your Excel spreadsheet apps.
Membership websites allow the site owner not only to protect its content but also to generate revenues by charging subscription for the members. MemberSpace with Appizy is a powerful and secure combination to start making money online from your Excel spreadsheets apps.
MemberSpace is a tool for the Do-It-Yourself users of the web. If you are familiar with WordPress or already installed Google Analytics on your website, you’re good to go: no technical skills, nor developer to hire. To give you an illustration we will install MemberSpace on a Wix website. But MemberSpace can also be installed on other technologies like Jekyll, Weebly or WordPress.
Add your Excel web application to Wix
At this point you should have downloaded the code of your spreadsheet application built with Appizy. You can also use one of the sample applications, proposed into the converter, to test Wix embed and membership.
Use the HTML, IFrame content proposed by Wix to paste the code of your web application. If you have doubts about it, check the detailed article about Wix Integration for Appizy.
Setup MemberSpace
Go to MemberSpace to setup an account. It comes with a 14 days trial period. MemberSpace interface guides you through all the steps to get everything ready.
Enter website details
First you need to indicate the URL of the website you want to manage with membership.
Add Member Pages
At this point you can choose which part of your website is protected by the subscription paywall and which part is public domain. You can also decide to make the page accessible to certain types of plans only.
Add Member Plans
The final step to setup your account is to choose the different plans you want to offer. Based on your pricing strategy you might want to offer a trial period or different kinds of subscriptions.
Add MemberSpace code snippet
With MemberSpace setup, it is time to combine it with Wix. Copy the code snipped provided by MemberSpace in the Tracking & Analytics section of the Wix settings. Once activated, you should see a login popup appearing on top of your website when you try to access the page.
Going further
MemberSpace customization
MemberSpace has a lot of option when it comes to plan creation. You can choose whether you want to charge one time, multiple times or even to have recurring payments on a monthly base. They offer a lot of fine tuning.
MemberSpace website is full of useful resources, ranging from documentation to podcasts, business cases, etc. It can be very inspirational if you are starting in the world of subscription based website.
Other Website technologies
In this example we used Wix to setup a membership website. You can also use it with other web builders like Weebly. Also WordPress is coming soon with a plugin. You can request an early access.
MemberSpace is also a very good option for those of you using static website generator like Jekyll without any backend server. In this case, add the MemberSpace snippet to the template of your pages.
Final word
MemberSpace offers a very accessible solution for setting up membership on your website. The product is simple to use and yet highly customizable. The interface is clear and easy to understand. You are guided through every step. I had the pleasure to setup my website.
Another very good point is the documentation. It is clear, detailed and nicely illustrated with many pictures. You even have the possibility to schedule a call or send an email to the support team to unlock your situation. This is rare enough and good to meet humans on the web.
Very big Thanks to Ward and his team.
Going further
In this article we briefly reviewed how to build a membership website for your Excel application. To go into more details you can review the following tutorial pages: