Startup capital simulation

Estimate the cash needed to launch a startup company based on the initial investment and the running monthly costs of the first trimester. The application runs in your browser. To save your work use the buttons bellow the application

Cash needed



Installation Charges



Advertising and Promotion

Legal and Other Professional Fees

Licenses and permits




Monthly Costs

Cash (3 months)


Salary of Owner-Manager

Other Salaries and Wages


Communication (Phone, Fax, Internet)

Delivery Expense


Other Utilities


Taxes, including Social Security

Legal and Other Professional Fees






Total Estimated Start-Up Capital

How to create a business plan app?

The startup business plan above has been developed with Excel. Once ready, it was converted into a web application using Appizy. You can find the file “Startup capital dashboard” file on the Sample page of Appizy converter.

Conversion settings

In Appizy we choose the following conversion settings:

Content & Layout > App layout: Fluid (requires PRO or PLUS), so our app will fit the parent content.

Content & Layout > Clear zero inputs (requires PRO or PLUS). It is recommended to always set numeric input with a default before conversion. In this case this is 0 in all costs listed. However, to avoid overloading the user interface with 0 everywhere, we select Clear zero inputs to remove the displayed value.

Integration > Toolbar > Save data locally button (requires PRO or PLUS). This will add the two buttons bellow the application. The user can click on Save to download his/her data set (not the formula), and re-upload them later.

Package > Split files (optional, requires PLUS). We take advantage of split files (HTML, CSS and Javascript) for an easy integration in our website.

Website integration

After Appizy conversion, 90% of the development work is done. The content of the different files (HTML, CSS, Javascript) is added to the code base of the site. We could also have used an iframe. We add a few CSS classes to fit our theme based on Bootstrap.