

one time
Try for free

Download standalone code

One time payment, no subscription

Convert and download as much file as you want for 7 days: perfect for one-time users willing to download the source code of their app.

Cloud Basic

per month
Try for free

Easy App Embed

Protected Formulas

Up to 5 Apps

14 days FREE trial

Leverage on Appizy to easily share your tool without loosing ownership of the formulas.

Cloud Pro

per month
Try for free

Easy App Embed

Protected Formulas

Up to 20 Apps

14 days FREE trial

Priority support

Need more apps? Drop us an email for a custom plan.

Download versus Cloud plans

Both plans offer unlimited use of the converter. The key difference lies in how you share the results. The Cloud plan provides an embed code that can be easily pasted into any website builder, allowing for seamless integration. In contrast, the Download plan gives you the source code of your tool as an HTML file, which you can host yourself. The main distinction between the two plans is the payment structure. The Download plan is a one-time payment, whereas the Cloud plan is subscription-based, with a recurring monthly fee.

Formula Security

In the Cloud plans, your web tool performs server-side calculations. This means that end users only see the interface and the results, while your formulas remain hidden. As a result, your intellectual property and knowledge remain protected. In contrast, the Download plan delivers the formulas within the code of your application. This means that they are accessible to the end users of your application, potentially exposing your proprietary knowledge and intellectual property.

Payment and invoicing

All sales are handled by FastSpring, authorised resseler. You will get an invoice from them. They are specialised in managing purchases including tax collection and invoicing for each country. If you got questions or complaints about invoices, please let us know: